Thursday, April 23, 2009


here's the update on the "welcome saxonburg" story... i received a call from the municipal bld. in saxonburg this am. it seems that the residence in question is not in the saxonburg bourough, but in our township- jefferson. they said they had received many complaints, but couldn't do anything about it. after bugging them for awhile on the phone, i drove back there to get my letter back so that i could take it to the jeff.twn. bld.
i managed to get the name of a woman who supposedly has been trying to work with jeff. twn. to get this cleaned up. nothing much has happened, though, but they did call her while i was there as i asked what the status was .
i then drove to the jeff. twn bld. and the secretary there told me that there was a woman who had been assigned to this problem. i also asked for a copy of the regulations that would pertain to this situation- wow! it really nails the situation- looks like they have just been putting this thing on the back burner.
apparently, there is a lawyer involved - should have been long ago- and he has been working on this. the woman who has been in charge called me twice today- once to tell me that she had visited this residence last week and the owner had agreed to accept help with the mess (she didn't call it that!). i told her that i could get some helpers together, but i would need a pickup truck to haul everything away. she called me back and said that they were going to arrange to have a dumpster delivered in about 2 weeks. she thanked me and said that she would keep me posted , so i think the ball is rolling and i'll be anxious to do another" drive- by" in a few weeks.


  1. Look at you with all of your legal knowledge!
    You should be proud!--That certainly is progress knowing that there will soon be a dumpster delivered...

  2. I don't know why people Wouldn't make that a major top priority, a long time ago!! Good job mom for pushing people to do their jobs!
